Can you tell I really enjoyed the food??? LOL
Again, can't stress how much the Paris Museum Pass helped out! Skipping the long line at the Louvre was so worth the cost of the pass!! The Louvre is such an awesome huge place! We saw it all lite up at night, but it is so impressive to walk up and see the big Pyramid at the entrance!
Made me think of the Da Vince Code ;-)
Once inside-the very hot Pyramid-we made our way to find the Mona Lisa before the crowds got too big. On our way to the Mona Lisa, I was so overwhelmed by the paintings-the fact that we were seeing such famous artists was so surreal. Some of my faves were the Bottacelli's and Raphael. At the top of the stairs before we entered the gallery, we encountered our 1st famous sculpture.....
The Winged Victory of Samothrace
Greek Goddess Nike
But we were on a mission-find the Mona Lisa!! We found the signs directing us to the Mona Lisa-stopping quickly to look at the other famous paintings-which we would make our way back to eventually;-)
Our mission was a success....
There she is-the most famous lady in the Louvre! Most people are shocked at the size of the portrait-I felt it was exactly what I expected. The room was pretty crowded, but so worth it! It was and still is very surreal to me that I was actually there and seeing all this famous historical art!!
So, what about all the other famous things in this great Museum??? Where was the Venus de Milo? Where was the Cupid statue? And why did we not see signs directing us to these famous sites?? We asked ouselves these questions as we found ourselves exiting the Louvre....this is where the Paris Museam Pass came in very handy. We headed back to the entrance, skipped the lines and found ourselves staring at the signs directing us to all the other great works of art, signs we just knew were no where to be found on our first go round!!! That's what happens when you are so focused on not missing the Mona Lisa!!!
Lucky for us, we slowed down and enjoyed the rest of the museum-and laughed at ourselves in the process!! Here a few of the things we saw on our 2nd trip.....
The lovely Venus de Milo-so pretty in person
One of the Cupid sculptures-this was my favorite!
Loved these-the artist used fruits and vegetables to create the faces and bodies
Here are a few more of my faves-can't show them all-you'll just have to go visit and see them all for yourself!
I really recommend if you visit the Louvre-give yourself a whole day if you can-we had a lot crammed in and missed more than I like to think about-but tried to hit the hightlights!
I thought of the Da Vince Code too when I saw your picture of the pyramid!! :) Great pictures.